

This is my graduation work. / animation, lighting, background modeling, edit

'Dream'이라고 하는 단편 애니메이션입니다.
캐릭터는 프리 리깅을 썼고 나머지 모델링, 라이팅, 애니메이션, 편집을 했었습니다.
대학 졸업작품이었습니다.

2009_dot animation

test dot animation



This is my first short animation called <Snowboard>. The plot is simple. When the main character, riding down a snowboard from the mountain, stops after a wonderful jump, a tree hits him away like a baseball bat is played.

It has been a work that gave me a great opportunity to learn many things. I progressed from the planning step like planning a story to making a storyboard, character modeling, rigging, creating animation and final editing so I had to undergo unexpected problems such as knowing the importance of a planning, checking quality of the final work, solving technical problems and etc.

이건 제 첫 번째 3d 단편 애니메이션입니다. 대학 과제로 만들었던 애니메이션인데 가장 애틋하면서도 부끄러운 애니메이션입니다. 스토리, 퀄리티 전부 간단합니다. 다만 컨셉 디자인부터 편집까지 전부 스스로 해나갔기 때문에 가장 애정하는 애니메이션 중 하나입니다.


jeju (2015)

qr cord_test


2012_The sun chariot_concept

 - The temple of the sun
This work was for the project of “the sun chariot”, which expressed the temple of Helios. The original trees and earth were in ordinary green and brown colors but I used colors in the range of purple in order to give more dreamlike and mystery feelings. 

- The burning world
My friend and I once progressed an art project with the story about the sun chariot out of Greek and Roman mythology. The background concept was that the world is burning because the sun chariot is getting close. I tried to use straight lines rather than curves in order to give a hard feeling and mainly a red color in order to depict fire.  

-Character concept
helios, zeus

2012_drawing 1

- Warrior
It is one of my works, submitted as assignments during my university years. The concept was a young general, wearing a splendid Oriental armor and several elements were added based on Korean traditional armor. 
The pattern was a modified version of a dragon image in Korean tradition and I tried to put a feeling of silk on a waist. 

- The night with a shining moon
It is the background work for the “Warrior” work. The basic reference was Anapji (an artificial pond in Gyeongju National Park) and the actual palace and pond of 674 at the place were realized so they really looked alike. However, I thought of sea rather than a pond when working on this image and fitted a view of the world to “a young merchant”. 

- girl
test drawing

2009_The world of gods

- The world of gods
It an art project with a concept. The basic characters and background are from the combination of Greek and Roman mythology and Dangun mythology in Korea. The main story is that there is a god, trying to sweep the world, and a god of gods, trying to help people secretly. I especially put my efforts on the background to be marvelous and have the Oriental feeling. In the future, I may put the background, having the panorama of the created world, in a digital format.

3. python_make locator

이번에는 마야 상에서 원하는 위치에 로케이터를 만드는 명령어입니다.

import maya. cmds as cmds

sel = cmds.ls(sl=1)

if sel:
    loc = cmds.spaceLocator()
    par = cmds.parentConstraint(sel,loc)
    par_rm = cmds.parentConstraint(sel,loc,rm=1)

간단한 명령들입니다.
if문을 사용해서 선택된 것이 있으면 페어런츠를 걸었다가 끊어주고
만약 선택된 것이 없을 때는 원점에 로케이터가 생성됩니다.

2.python_camera setting, constrain

지난 게시물에 이어서 오늘은 좀 더 추가해보겠습니다.

import maya.cmds as cmds

sel_cam = cmds.ls(sl=1)
cam_shape = cmds.listRelatives(sel_cam)[0]


cmds. setAttr('%s.overscan'%cam_shape,1)

중간에 'nearClipPlane' 과 'farClipPlane' 이 추가되었습니다. (뒤에 숫자는 자기가 원하는 숫자를 넣으시면 됩니다)
'overscan'자리에 각각 두개가 들어간 건데 이것들은 카메라 속성들 이름입니다.

nearClipPlane -> 마야 상에서 카메라로 볼 수 있는 최소 거리
farClipPlane -> 마야 상에서 카메라로 볼 수 있는 최대 거리

어려운건 아니라 이건 여기까지만 하겠습니다.

다음은 parentConstraint 입니다.

import maya.cmds as cmds

mom = cmds.ls(sl=1)[0]
son = cmds.ls(sl=1)[1]


이 코드는 제가 선택한 오브젝트끼리 컨스트레인을 건다는 뜻입니다.
사실 마야 메뉴 중에도 있어서 굳이 쓰지 않아도 되지만 매번 메뉴를 클릭하고 옵션 체크하는게 불편해서 만들었습니다.

import maya.cmds as cmds      => cmds를 마야 상에서 불러옵니다. (그냥 이건 기본이라고 생각해주세요)

mom = cmds.ls(sl=1)[0]    => 제가 선택한 것중 첫번째 것을 'mom'이라고 지정했습니다.
                                              ( 참고로 ls(sl=1)  -> 이건 내가 선택한 오브젝트를 리스트로 만들겠단 뜻입니다.
                                                파이썬 리스트 순서는 0부터 시작하기 때문에 0이 곧 첫번째 물체가 됩니다)

son = cmds.ls(sl=1)[1]     =>제가 선택한 것중 두번째 것을 'son'이라고 지정했습니다. 
                                          (리스트는 0부터 시작하니까 1이라고 적어야 두번째 물체가 선택됩니다)

cmds.parentConstaint(mom,son,mo=1)   => 'parentConstraint' 이건 마야 명령어입니다.
                                                    son을 mom에게 귀속시킨다는 소리입니다. 
                                                    (부모 될 물체가 앞에, 자식될 물체가 뒤에 옵니다)

                                                    'mo=1' 은 maintain offset 입니다.
                                                    저게 있으면 자식이 부모와 다른 위치에 있어도 그 자리 그대로 귀속됩니다.
                                                    없으면 자식이 부모 위치에 와서 붙습니다. 
                                                    (필요 없으면 'mo=1'은 빼시면 됩니다)

사실 제가 만드는 코드들은 마야에서 실행되는 것들을 보고 응용해서 파이썬으로 만드는 거라 아주 쉬운 코드들입니다.
파이썬을 배운지 얼마 되지 않았기 때문에 이렇게 짧은 것부터 시작하는 중입니다.

만드는 기준은 그때 그때 제가 좀 더 편하게 쓰거나 필요한 것 위주로 만들고 있습니다.

1. python_camera overscan

파이썬을 이용해 마야 카메라 오버스캔을 바꾸는 코드입니다.

import maya.cmds as cmds 

sel_cam = cmds.ls(sl=1)
cam_shape = cmds.listRelatives(sel_cam)[0]
cmds. setAttr('%s.overscan'%cam_shape,1)

마야에서 사용할 수 있는 cmds 를 불러옵니다 (이게 있어야 확실한 명령이 가능)
선택하는 오브젝트를 'sel_cam' 이라고 지정했습니다
선택된 오브젝트의 쉐입(DAG)을 가져옵니다. 그걸 'cam_shape' 이라고 지정했습니다.
카메라의 오버스캔을 1로 바꿉니다. setAttr 가로 안에는 앞에는 카메라 쉐입의 오버스캔 이름, 뒤에는 바꿀 값이 옵니다.

앞으로 마야와 관련된 파이썬 코드들을 올려 보려고 합니다.
저도 시작한지 얼마 안 되었기 때문에 오류가 있을 수도 있습니다.

서로 같이 공부해가면 좋겠습니다 :)

2008_meet again

- meet again 
This work was first done for the Webtoons. I used Photoshop in order to be familiar with using a tablet at that time and satisfied with the outcome of characters so has kept it for a while. In the end, it remained as continuity since I had not really made it into the Webtoons.




2010_Mirage, Trash can

- Mirage
I waited the rain to come and took photos with a camera for this work. They were reflected images on a puddle after the rain. When water dried up, the images also disappeared so I titled the work “mirage”.

- Trash can
This work is a photography work. There was a hole from the crack on the ground nearby my house and people sometimes threw a cigarette butt or trash into it. After seeing this, I titled this work “trans can” in order to arouse people’s attention towards the environmental pollution.


부산 광안리

2010_Desperate life

- Desperate life
It is a story, produced for a short film. It was not realized at the end but the storyboard and concept of characters remained after. The summary was that hands of characters were tied and their bodies were dangled in the air without knowing the reason. Then, the strong stream of water suddenly covered them and one of them eventually fell down. At the end, the screen was zoomed out and audiences discovered that they were watching a woman showering.
It started from a question, “what does it feel like if there is life in hair?” and I considered a comb or scissor for a tool to kill characters. I thought that picking characters with sharp and mechanical feelings of a tool would be interesting but at the end, a scene of shower seemed to be the most appropriate situation for the story. 

2014_Just before blooming time

- Just before blooming time
It is a short film for desperate Korean women who were forced into sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese Army in World War II and thus, the main subject is comfort women who left the most heartbroken stories in the modern history. Since they have not received apologies from the assailant, their stories are still continuing. One of the professors during my university years planned this project and I participated in 3D modeling, animation and storyboard works. 

Award (Best International Film)
- The 6th Crystal Palace International Film Festival, London UK (2014)

Official Selection (Screening)
- The 1st Toronto Short Film Festival, Canada (2015)
- The 8th Yellowknife International Film Festival, NT, Canada (2014)
- The 3rd International Film Festival of Cinematic Arts. (Short and Micro cinema), Los Angeles, US (2014)

'진달래 지다' 라는 작품입니다. 위안부 관련 단편 영화입니다.
저는 3d 스토리보드 작업에 참여 했었습니다.





2008~2009_water color

- Filming a historical drama
I did this watercolor painting with characters on paper in my senior year of the high school. The red dress on the left side was modified from the King’s dress of the Joseon Dynasty period in the history and the unique patterns and feeling of it was emphasized.

