


This is my first short animation called <Snowboard>. The plot is simple. When the main character, riding down a snowboard from the mountain, stops after a wonderful jump, a tree hits him away like a baseball bat is played.

It has been a work that gave me a great opportunity to learn many things. I progressed from the planning step like planning a story to making a storyboard, character modeling, rigging, creating animation and final editing so I had to undergo unexpected problems such as knowing the importance of a planning, checking quality of the final work, solving technical problems and etc.

이건 제 첫 번째 3d 단편 애니메이션입니다. 대학 과제로 만들었던 애니메이션인데 가장 애틋하면서도 부끄러운 애니메이션입니다. 스토리, 퀄리티 전부 간단합니다. 다만 컨셉 디자인부터 편집까지 전부 스스로 해나갔기 때문에 가장 애정하는 애니메이션 중 하나입니다.

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